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Content Creators
Natasha Høyer
@natashahoeyer, 84K followers
Nicoline Lykke
@nicolinelykke, 100K followers
Freya Bryndorf
@freyabryndorff, 456K followers
Anna Brynald
@annaelskertun, 75K followers
Mikkel Lynge
@makeupbymikkel, 74K followers
Amalie Riemer
@malle_riemer, 62K followers
Amalie Lundbek
@amalielundbek, 16K followers
Helena Madeleine
@helenamadeleine, 63K followers
Mai Jin Jespersen
@tiktok_maii, 37K followers
Liv Zimakoff
@livzimakoff, 93K followers
@momo.aapk, 233K followers
Rasmus Smedstrup
@rasmussmedstrup, 34K followers
Sofie Fahrendorff
@sofiefahrendorff, 24K followers
Amalie Rosaline
@amalie_rosaline, 47K followers
Michelle Bjørklund
@michellebjoerklund, 17K followers
Caroline Hulbæk
@carolinehulbaek, 1.5K followers
Jonathan Oteiza
@jonna_oteiza, 15.3K followers
Tifany Kolle
@tifanyviktoria, 54K followers
Anna Thimgaard
@annarthimgaard, 54K followers
Silas Thorup
@silasthorup, 49K followers
Frida Gyldenøhr
@fridagyldenohr, 30K followers
Nanna Buch
@vildmedgroent, IG: 10K followers


We represent some of Denmark's biggest, most talented, creative, and honest TikTok talents. All of our talents are professional when crafting campaigns and always go the extra mile to ensure customers are happy and satisfied with the final advertisements


We believe that the success of an influencer campaign is determined by the match between the influencer and the company. Therefore, we always ensure that the cases we work on are in line with both the influencer's and the company's values, wishes, and visions.


We care about both the private and professional well-being of our talents. We are fully committed to the results of our partnership campaigns. All of this is practiced through transparent, honest, and sustaining communication, where we are always available.